Curving Tree Trunk into An Amazing Wooden Epoxy Clock

Amazing Wood Epoxy Tabletop Clock Making

Material used:


Step 1: Wood Selection and Cutting

  • Choose the wood type and cut it to the desired size and shape for the clock face.

Step 2: Surface Preparation

  • Clean the wood surface to eliminate defects and reduce wood grain or repellency.

Step 3: Charring Process

  • Use an open flame to burn the wood's surface until it turns black. Allow the wood to cool completely.

Step 4: Design and Epoxy Containment

  • Create a design around the wood piece to contain the epoxy resin.

Step 5: Prepare Epoxy Resin

  •  Follow the manufacturer's instructions to prepare the epoxy resin, ensuring accurate proportions and thorough mixing.

Step 6: Epoxy Pouring

  •  Carefully pour the epoxy into the designated design on the wooden surface.

Step 7: Finishing

  •  Finish the clock's edges and surface to achieve a polished appearance.

Step 8: Clock Stand Creation

  •  Create a stand for the clock.

Step 9: Clock Mechanism Assembly

  •  Drill an appropriately sized hole in the center for the clock mechanism. Install the clock motor and hands.

Following these steps will help you prepare the wooden piece, ensuring it's ready for the epoxy resin application for your clock face. These precautions contribute to a clean, smooth, and successful epoxy resin project.

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