Amazing Transformation of a Chopping Board into A DIY Epoxy Seashore Clock for Wall Hanging

Video name: DIY Epoxy Clock with a Chopping Board

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Step 1: Choose a chopping board that will serve as the base of your clock. Ensure it's flat and sturdy enough to support the clock mechanism.

Step 2: Drill an appropriate-sized hole in the center of the chopping board where the clock mechanism will be installed.

Step 3: Prepare the chopping board for the clock interface. Sand and clean the surface thoroughly for the epoxy application.

Step 4: Use an open flame to burn the wood's surface. It's essential to char the surface but avoid burning the wood entirely, typically until it turns black, to create an interesting visual effect.

Step 5: Arrange and position the aquatic-themed inclusions on the clock surface. Place them strategically within the epoxy resin area to create a pleasing and balanced design.

Step 6: Once the inclusions are in place, pour the mixed epoxy resin over the surface of the chopping board. Ensure the inclusions are well-covered and surrounded by the resin. Use a heat gun or torch to eliminate any air bubbles.

Step 7: Let the epoxy resin cure completely.

Step 8: Polish the surface of the epoxy-coated chopping board to achieve a glossy and finished appearance.

Step 9: Securely attach the clock mechanism in the center hole previously drilled.

Following these steps will allow you to create an epoxy-coated clock using a chopping board, integrating aquatic elements for a visually captivating design.

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