Making A Tree Bark Hanging Planter made with Concrete

 Material used:

  • Cement mix
  • Synthetic  mesh
  • Spray colour
  • Hanging plant

Project Steps:

Step 1: Arrange the Sand

Begin by arranging a layer of sand.

Step 2: Apply the First Layer of Cement

Apply a layer of cement over the sand to create the planter's base.

Step 3: Add Artistic Details

Add some artistic touches to the cement for added texture and style.

Step 4: Insert Synthetic mesh

Place a synthetic net on the cement surface.

Step 5: Create a Log Shape

Enhance the structure by applying cement in an artistic manner to give it a log-like shape.

Step 6: Apply Dry Cement

Apply dry cement over the structure for added texture.

Step 7: Add Small Branch Pieces

Place two small pieces of branches within the structure.

Step 8: Let It Dry

Allow the entire structure to dry thoroughly.

Step 9: Apply Vibrant Colors

Add colors to the planter for a mesmerizing look.

Step 10: Tie a Wire for Hanging

Attach a wire for hanging the planter securely.

Step 11: Your Hanging Planter Is Ready

That's it! Your hanging planter is now ready to add charm to your space. We hope you enjoyed this video. Thank you for watching!

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