How to make planter under 5 Minutes with Concrete

Creating Unique Concrete Planter:

Material used:

  • Cement mix
  • A ball
  • glue
  • Gravel
  • A plant

Project Steps:

Start with Sand:

Begin by preparing a base of sand.

Position the Ball:

Place the ball over the sand, setting the stage for your planter's shape.

Apply Cement Mixture:

Cover the ball with a layer of cement mixture.

Add Artistic Touches:

Express your creativity by adding artistic touches to the cement layer.

Create Two Holes:

Make two holes in the planter for drainage.

Extract the Structure:

Carefully remove the structure from the sand.

Embrace the Transformation:

Observe how each brushstroke transforms the planter into a unique work of art.

Let the Paint Dry:

Allow the paint to dry, setting the mesmerizing look you've created.

Add a Plant:

Insert your chosen plant, and your distinctive planter is ready, a testament to your creativity and swift craftsmanship.

We hope this video inspired your creativity. Thank you for watching and Enjoy crafting.

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