Constructing a Zen Fountain Cum Aquarium using PVC pipe for Garden Decoration

Zen Fountain Aquarium using PVC Pipe

Material used:

Project steps:

Step 1: PVC Pipe Arrangement

 Arrange PVC pipes of the desired length to create the basic structure of the fountain aquarium.

Step 2: Smoothing the Edges

Use sandpaper to smooth the rough edges of the PVC pipes for a polished finish.

Step 3: Wooden Plank Assembly

3. Take a wooden plank and insert two screws to act as the base or support for the structure.

Step 4: Preparing Acrylic Sheet

 Cut the acrylic sheet into the desired shapes to create the walls or enclosures of the aquarium.

Step 5: Creating Additional Structures

 Make structures using a few more PVC pipes to enhance the overall design.

Step 6: Watching the Structure Take Shape

Observe as the arrangement of PVC pipes and structures gradually form the desired shape and structure.

Step 7: Installing the Water Pump

Attach a 3W pump to enable water circulation within the fountain aquarium.

Step 8: Adding Decorative Elements

Add pebbles and introduce fish into the aquarium for decorative purposes.

Step 9: Completion

Your Zen Fountain Aquarium, designed to explore and enthral any space, is now complete and ready to create a calming and mesmerizing ambiance.

Enjoy creating your Zen Fountain Aquarium using PVC pipes!

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