Learn How to Construct An Amazing Concrete Fountain Base using PVC Basket

Material uesd:

  • A Basket
  • Cellotape
  • Cement mixture
  • Sandpaper

Project steps:

Step 1: Choose Your Basket

Start by arranging a suitable basket.

Step 2: Apply Cello Tape

Apply cello tape all over the surface of the basket.

Step 3: Pour the Cement

Now, pour the cement mixture into the basket. This mixture will form the base of your fountain.

Step 4: Allow Proper Drying

Allow it to dry thoroughly.

Step 5: Carefully Extract the Structure

With great care, extract the structure from the basket.

Step 6: Smooth and Polish

Use sandpaper to achieve a smooth and polished surface.

Step 7: Your Fountain Base

That's it! Your robust fountain base is now ready for you to explore and build upon. Thank you for watching!

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